Grants, Scholarship, Collaboration

2023-2024: Michael Balint Medical Student Award in Psychoanalysis, American Psychoanalytic Association (New York, NY)

2023: Dean’s Research Award, Sidney Kimmel Medical College (Philadelphia, PA)

2022: SAEMF/Resident and Medical Students (RAMS) Research Grant, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (Philadelphia, PA)

2022: Lavine Scholarly Inquiry Research Award, Sidney Kimmel Medical College (Philadelphia, PA)

2022: Grant for Emerging Researcher/Clinician Mentorship, Infectious Diseases Society of America, Weill Cornell Medical College (New York, NY)

2015-2016: Research Fellowship, Deutscher Akademischer Ausgang Dienst, Max Planck Institute of Human Development, Max Planck Institute (Berlin, Germany)

2011-2012: Undergraduate Research Awardee, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health (Bethesda, MD)